SCU Credit Cards
Enjoy competitive rates and rewards that help you achieve your financial goals
Enjoy competitive rates and rewards that help you achieve your financial goals
January 11, 2023
한인신협은 정관 제 4.1항에 따라 제 34차 정기총회에서 임기 만료 되는 두 이사의 공석을 채울 이사선출을 하고자 합니다.
(임기 만료되는 두 이사는 재출마의 뜻을 밝히셨습니다)
후보 등록을 원하시는 분은2월 17(금)까지 관련 서류를 제출해 주시기 바랍니다.
Available seats in 2023
There are two seats up for election in 2023. Two incumbents are seeking re-election. If you would like to seek a seat on our Board of Directors, please download the Candidates’ Package below.
Deadline & Submission
The deadline for receipt of your official Nominating Form is February 17, 2023 at 4:00 pm.Your material may be sent by the following methods:
No matter which method of delivery is used, nomination documents must be received by the deadline set above. This is a firm deadline and there will be no extensions. Please note incomplete Nomination Forms will be disqualified.
If you have any questions or concerns about the nominations and elections process, please contact:
Joanne Choi / Corporate Secretary
You’re more than a customer, you’re a member.